A retained, highly specialized search firm
focusing on the Educational Sector


Number Of Searches Performed


Number Of Clients


Of Clients Repeat Business


Years Experience

Deerfield Associates Executive Search, Inc. recruits and places exceptional candidates for senior level administrative positions at colleges, universities and independent schools, both nationally and internationally. Established in 2001, the firm has successfully conducted and completed 600+ searches. Over 92 percent of our 159 clients return to us for additional search work.

Deerfield Associates is a search firm that recruits on a national basis and has offices based in Wellesley Mass, Amherst Mass, and Miami Florida.

We are committed to providing our clients:

  • A strategic overview of the hiring profile.
  • A first rate, creative, energetic and pro-active recruitment process.
  • A professional and in-depth assessment for each candidate presented.
  • Constant attention to finding the best candidate.
  • Assurance that our clients and candidates receive the highest level of personalized service.
  • The resources necessary to get the search done in a timely manner.

Each college, university, and independent school has unique qualities and needs. Find out how Deerfield Associates Executive Search, Inc. can select the best professional for your organization.


Deerfield Associates
Most Active Clients

Deerfield Associates 71 searches completed 2021 - 2024

Deerfield Associates 126 Completed Searches 2015 - 2020

Importers & Exporters of Talent, 45 Hires Who Relocated 2015 - 2020

Deerfield Associates celebrates its 24th year in business!